An annual registration is required for all students. The non-refundable fee for registration is $35 per dancer or $50 for a family. Registration fee and first month's tuition are due upon registration.
A liability release accepted online by a parent is required before a student participates in a trial class or is official enrolled at Integrity Dance Arts.
The registration process must be completed online.
Tuition Fees & Payments
Tuition rates are for the full season (August-June, including studio holidays)- not by the number of classes in the month. Some months have 5 weeks while others only have 2 or 3. Holidays are not pro-rated nor are there additional fees for months with 5 weeks of classes.
Tuition fees are paid monthly or by semester.
Tuition is not prorated for absences, holidays, or bad weather cancellations. However, classes may be made up within a month of the absence in a like or similar class.
Tuition is due on the 1st of each month. If tuition is not paid each month by the 6th, the account will be charged a $15 late fee.
Costume fees are due in November and Recital fees are due in January. Costume and recital fees are non-refundable and are automatically charged to your account.
NSF Payments
There is a $25 charge for returned checks.
Refunds & Class Changes
Schedules are subject to change based on class size.
Refunds are only issued if Integrity Dance Arts cancels a class.
Attendance, Absences, & Make-Up Classes
Regular attendance is vital to student progress and group choreography. Please make every effort to attend each class.
Please be on time to class. We spend the beginning of class warming up and that is an important part of dance training and technique. It also protects from injuries, so please try to arrive on time.
If your student must miss class, please report absences to the studio by phone or e-mail.
Students can make up any missed classes within the same month of the absence.
You may schedule a make-up with the office or by email.
Class Changes & Withdrawal From Class
All class changes should be made with the office, by phone, or by email. Class changes cannot be made with individual teachers.
If it becomes necessary to withdraw from a class at any time, withdrawal must be submitted in to the office with a 30-day notice. The notice must be received before the 1st of the month or you will be responsible for the full month tuition.
Inclement Weather Policy & Holiday Closings
Integrity Dance Arts will follow the lead of McKinney ISD concerning weather-related closings. If MISD is closed or cancels after school activities, Integrity Dance Arts will be closed.
There are several Monday holidays on the school calendar however we will not close on most of those days. We provide our studio calendar and we will email/post reminders.
Dancers should wait inside the building for parent pick-up. At no time should they wait outside the studio unattended.
All items brought to the studio should be labeled with the dancer's name. Integrity Dance Arts is not responsible for any lost or misplaced items.
We end our season with a professional Spring Recital. We encourage, but do not require participation.
Recital dates are announced every year as soon as the venue confirms our date.
At Integrity Dance Arts, we will keep you informed and up to date via monthly Newsletters, Email, Facebook, Instagram, and the Lobby Communication Center.
We are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding your dancer or our programs. Let us know how we can help you!